A line of credit gives you access to funds up to your credit limit which can be borrowed and paid back multiple times while only paying interest on the money you borrow. This is a flexible and typically unsecured way to borrow money for seasonal businesses or businesses that need help managing cash flow or handling unexpected expenses.
Flexible borrowing
Typically no collateral required
May have maintenance fee or withdrawal fee
Good credit and consistent revenue required
Best for:
Short term needs
Seasonal business to manage cash flow
As a partner of a business lender and tech-based loan marketplace, we offer a multitude of loans options for business owners including; SBA 7(a), SBA 504, USDA, conventional, and non-conforming financing. We can even consider borrowers turned down by other lenders due to special-purpose collateral, a unique business, or other traditional financing barriers.
Funds can be used for any business purpose such as to purchase or construct real estate, buy or start a business, for working capital, to refinance debt, or consolidate merchant cash advances. Click below to learn more and to be contacted by a team member.
$1,000 to $25 Million
Rates Start at 5%
Monthly Payments
Short and Long-Term Loans
Flexible Underwriting
Most Businesses Eligible
Sole Proprietors are OK
Unrestricted Working Capital
Start-Up Financing Available
No or Low Collateral
High LTV Financing
Nationwide + Rural Locations